The events of 2020 and 2021 have had a huge impact on people and businesses alike, and forced everyone to consider what their ‘new normal’ might look like. This includes changes to our personal & social lives, employment relationships, and even entire economies.

AXIAH are both proud of and fortunate that our vital work continued throughout the pandemic, with increased efforts placed on ensuring our staff, suppliers and customers remained safe during that time. However, we are also using this as an opportunity to re-evaluate our strategic direction and renew the organisation.

This programme of reinvigoration started in August 2021 and will continue into late-2022, and includes:

  • Our new workspace in Chippenham, Wiltshire (Aug 2021);
  • Our newly certified cloud-based Information System (Oct 2021);
  • Certification of Carbon Neutral status for Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions with Carbon Neutral Britain (Nov 2021);
  • Restructured employee benefits and flexible working arrangements (Q1 2022);
  • Recruitment to support expansion of Engineering Services (Q1 2022) – view on LinkedIn;
  • A new integrated management system & knowledge base (Q2 2022);
  • Our improved & updated website (Q3 2022);
  • Relaunching social media pages to keep our community up-to-date (Q3 2022).

If you would like to learn more about AXIAH, or to discuss upcoming opportunities or recruitment, please feel free to contact us at or by calling 0800 0246 222. We look forward to hearing from you!